Raspberry Pi Zero を載せてみる!
Smart 自走車是 Webduino 自主研發的產品,專為 Smart 開發板量身打造,輕巧、方便又環保!不僅能 DIY 動手玩創意,還能輕鬆學習程式邏輯概念,實作出一台具個人特色的自走車。
Smart 自走車是 Webduino 自主研發的產品,專為 Smart 開發板量身打造,輕巧、方便又環保!這個範例我們會實作如何透過網頁遙控器 ( 電腦、平板、手機皆可 ),就能操控自走車。
只要搭配 Webduino 雲端平台,就能輕鬆實現多種絕佳應用,最棒的是手機、平板 ( IOS / Android )、電腦都能使用!
Smart 自走車 – 網頁操控,積木程式範例:https://goo.gl/432ZRW
Webduino Smart 自走車可以搭配超過 10 種以上的傳感器, 發展出各式各樣驚奇的功能,例如無線遙控車、避障車、溫濕度感測車、無人車等多項應用,自己玩創意。
這是加入「溫濕度傳感器」及 「Google 試算表」的應用,實現隨時隨地將環境溫濕度資料儲存在雲端,實作一台 Smart 溫濕度感測車,積木程式教學範例:https://goo.gl/CXzuYT
Two wheel car use Arduino.
しかし、注文したMotor Shield とは、違うもの(base only)が来たので、急遽自作する。
// include libraries #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #define motor_lf D3 #define motor_lb D4 #define motor_rf D6 #define motor_rb D5 // configure server ESP8266WebServer server(80); const char *form = "<!DOCTYPE HTML>" "<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width'>" "<html>" "<center><form action='/'>" "<button name='dir' type='submit' value='4'>Forward</button><p>" "<button name='dir' type='submit' value='1'>Left</button> " "<button name='dir' type='submit' value='2'>Right</button><p>" "<button name='dir' type='submit' value='3'>Reverse</button><p><p>" "<button name='dir' type='submit' value='5'>Stop</button>" "</form></center>" "</html>"; void stop(void) { analogWrite(motor_lf, 0); analogWrite(motor_lb, 0); analogWrite(motor_rf, 0); analogWrite(motor_rb, 0); } void forward(void) { analogWrite(motor_lf, 1023); analogWrite(motor_lb, 0); analogWrite(motor_rf, 1023); analogWrite(motor_rb, 0); } void backward(void) { analogWrite(motor_lf, 0); analogWrite(motor_lb, 1023); analogWrite(motor_rf, 0); analogWrite(motor_rb, 1023); } void left(void) { analogWrite(motor_lf, 0); analogWrite(motor_lb, 0); analogWrite(motor_rf, 1023); analogWrite(motor_rb, 0); } void right(void) { analogWrite(motor_lf, 1023); analogWrite(motor_lb, 0); analogWrite(motor_rf, 0); analogWrite(motor_rb, 0); } void handle_form() { // only move if we submitted the form if (server.arg("dir")) { // get the value of request argument "dir" int direction = server.arg("dir").toInt(); // chose direction switch (direction) { case 1: left(); break; case 2: right(); break; case 3: backward(); break; case 4: forward(); break; case 5: stop(); break; } // move for 300ms, gives chip time to update wifi also delay(300); } // in all cases send the response server.send(200, "text/html", form); } void setup() { // connect to wifi network WiFi.begin("uislab003", "**password**"); // static ip, gateway, netmask WiFi.config(IPAddress(192,168,11,10), IPAddress(192,168,11,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0)); // connect while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(200); } // set up the callback for http server server.on("/", handle_form); // start the webserver server.begin(); pinMode(motor_lf, OUTPUT); // pinMode(motor_lb, OUTPUT); // pinMode(motor_rf, OUTPUT); // pinMode(motor_rb, OUTPUT); // } void loop() { // check for client connections server.handleClient(); }